The Key to Financial Blessing
All of us struggle when there's a discrepancy between what our minds know to be true and what we feel in our emotions. One area that we Lutherans (and I think most people) typically find difficult is managing one's finances.
The Bible says we are to give 1/10th of our earning to the Lord - easier said than done, right? In fact, the Bible suggests we give to Him first, not what is left over. Some can do so, but many of us struggle to give the percentage to the Lord. I know I do and I pray and ask God to open my heart to responding to his call to give to Him first.
I challenge you as you look back at 2015 to think about your commitment to CTK and to giving to the Lord. How does your giving measure up to what we are asked to do by our Lord? Can we do better in 2016? I urge you to pray about this issue.
We have so many opportunities to help people through our ministries at CTK and what we provide to our Synod and the ELCA. Let's look forward, trusting God, and give with a generous and faithful heart what He has provided to us - just the first 10%! If you are not currently giving at this level, pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to help you grow in faith and move towards that level of giving. Imagine what we could do at CTK if each of us would move to tithing @ 10%!
Also, the Finance Committee is evaluating what we can do to educate you, our membership, asking that each of us remember our church, CTK, with a financial gift (memorial gift) when we prepare our Last Will and Testament. I hope you have already done so when you prepared your Will, but if not - give this issue some thought. Leave a "legacy" to CTK so our mission can continue to not only be fulfilled, but blossom due to your generosity.
May God's Peace be with you!
Ron Larson
Finance Director
Christ the King Lutheran Church