The Discipleship Hour
Sunday school for all ages is back in session!!! Come join us as we learn together of Christ's love for each of us.
2 and 3 year olds: Our youngest members are invited to spend some time with Amy Allen. She will be exploring and familiarizing the children with worship and the worship space.
4 years to 5th grade: The last three Sundays in August, the children will be studying Abide in Love, Matthias is Chosen and Pray for One Another. The 1st - 5th grade will meet at the beginning of the hour for songs in the 3rd - 5th grade classroom. The younger children will go directly to their classrooms.
6th grade: The Confirmands will begin a semester of study on the Old Testament.
7th and 8th grades: The Confirmands will begin a study on the Ten Commandments.
9th to 12th grades: The High School class will begin a discussion series centered on videos produced by Rob Bell.
Adult Bible Class: Pastor Erik continues to lead an adult class centering on the readings for that particular Sunday.