Telling the Story
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I began at CTK. In that time, we've had the opportunity to be together Listening, Loving & Learning as our core values suggest. In fact, some of you may remember that a year ago I promised to be intentional in listening to you and your stories, thoughtful in learning about our gracious God with you, and deliberate in loving the people of God both at Christ the King and beyond. To the best of my abilities I've tried to carry out these tasks and have had a great time in the process.
But none of these are tasks that I can do alone. You've shared your stories with me as you've invited me into your lives for celebrations ranging from births to graduations to weddings and everything in between; and, in more difficult times, you have shared your stories and those of your loved ones in the hospital and at the graveside. Likewise, you have both educated me about the movement of God in our community and joined me in the journey of seeking to learn more about how God is calling us to respond to needs in our community and beyond. Together, we've begun to explore difficult topics such as human trafficking, homelessness, and racism, while at the same time, celebrating and living into the love of God for us and our neighbors in the midst of even these difficult truths. Indeed, this love has been, for me, at the heart of all that we've done and continue to do together. Together, we have grown and continue to grow into a family of faith.
Yet, God's family does not end at our church doors. For this reason, already, you have seen some changes as we updated our church welcome area. So too we continue to welcome community children at our VBS and to engage in outreach activities benefitting our neighbors far and near. But the welcome cannot end even there. For our story is really God's story and to hear it in all of its richness we must listen not only to one another, but also to the many voices in our community that can help us understand both how God is moving in and among us and where God is calling us to serve. Likewise, as the Body of Christ, we are called to learn and love among the entire community of God's children.
This is a task that, in the coming year, we must continue to intentionally engage. But like the continued task of Listening, Loving, & Learning together as a congregation, this broader task is one that no one can tackle alone. And so, as we enter another "school year," I ask you to join me in reaching our mission out beyond our church doors. Listen to your neighbors who don't attend our church-not with the goal of responding or proving any point, but listen in order to truly understand. To let God speak to you through them, and, perhaps, to let God speak to them through you as well. Show your love for your neighbors and our community by giving back. Invite a friend to the August 9th Rally Day and backpack blessing. Sign up to participate in God's Work Our Hands Sunday on September 13, 2015. And, finally, learn by challenging yourself to attend the 10 AM Discipleship hour on Sunday mornings, the 10 AM Tuesday morning Christians in Action Bible Study, participating in the seasonal Stewardship enrichments (materials are in the library), or even committing to a personal daily devotional practice among other things.
It really is hard to believe it's been a year-the time has flown! What's not hard to believe is the power of the story we have to tell. Together let us focus this upcoming year on telling the story to all those who need to hear it!
Grace and Peace,
Pr. Erik