Rise Up
Earlier this week, I followed from afar as news from the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit started heating up. Excitement was most certainly in the air, so much so, that the theme "Rise UP" became a "trending" topic on Twitter. From what I'm told, it's quite likely the first time a distinctly "Lutheran hashtag" became a trending topic on the social media platform that is most known for keeping its finger on the pulse of what's happening now.
News articles also started popping up on my facebook timeline. One such article shared that over the five day Gathering the 30,000 expected participants are "expected to bring a $30 million economic impact to the region."[1] But even more than the economic impact we have reason to celebrate the excitement and passion for service they bring with them. A Detroit News graphic artist and designer commented that they've changed the whole downtown vibe, while another blogger commented, "They are insufferably cheerful." Though my personal favorite was the comment referencing all the matching synodical and congregational youth group t-shirts that said, "It looks like a skittles factory exploded."
Still, as I alluded to last week, one of the most important aspects of the national youth gathering is the service component. For three consecutive days 10,000 Lutheran youth will board 220 busses and head to nonprofits around Detroit and help them serve their neighbor. Overall, they will engage in around 600 projects that help provide food, housing, education, environmental sustainability and many other much-needed services for the people of Detroit.
As this weekend approaches, I would encourage you to remember and pray for all those in attendance and the people they serve. The body of Christ connects us and together we support one another through joy and service in Christ's name. For those that want to learn more about the youth gathering or even wish to follow the daily large group gatherings via live video stream at Ford Field, be sure to visit http://www.elca.org/gathering. The main stage event runs from 8 - 9:30 PM.
Pray for them. Be proud. The "future of the church" is ready to "Rise UP".
Grace and peace,
Pr. Erik