Council Corner
Posted on September 25, 2015
Has anyone ever asked you when your favorite time of year is? Well if you were to ask me, it would be the Fall. Comfortable temperatures, the wonderful smell of the fallen leaves especially after a rain, and of course, let's not forget about hunting season, football season, and a lake not full of pleasure boaters and jet skis. Nothing against those folks, it's just hard to fish when you're struggling to stand from all the boat wakes. Unfortunately, for me and my family, fall fades into winter way too fast. School is in full session with at least an hour of homework per kid most nights, not to mention music lessons, sports, choir, girl scouts, the list goes on and before you know it, it's Thanksgiving!
For most of us, fall is a time of preparation as well. Now is the time to prepare our homes and property for the approaching winter. Lucky for us here in Georgia, winters are mild compared to our neighbors to the north, but still there is work to be done. As mentioned above, the holidays are just around the corner, and many of us will be finalizing plans for family visits or travel during the holidays as well.
So as a Christian and a member of Christ the King, you may be asking, where is God in all of this? It is my sincere hope that God would play a part in all of it, for all of our brothers and sisters in this community of faith.
One way in particular to involve God in our lives and our community is through Volunteering. We have two events fast approaching here at CTK. One is the Annual Yard Sale (Oct. 2 - 3), hosted by the Outreach Committee, and the other being the Fall Work Day (Oct. 10), headed up by Amy Barish. These events depend on Volunteers to be successful, and in the case of the Fall Work Day, the more helping hands, the more work gets done, and the more benefit to our Church.
In conclusion, while Fall is a busy time of year for everyone, please consider making the time to volunteer at one of these events at CTK. Both events provide a rich opportunity for you to serve God, your community, and our ever growing community of faith here at Christ the King.
In conclusion, while Fall is a busy time of year for everyone, please consider making the time to volunteer at one of these events at CTK. Both events provide a rich opportunity for you to serve God, your community, and our ever growing community of faith here at Christ the King.
Thanks Be To God,
Andy Milejczak